Lech Kaczynski Mitglied in der Hall of Shame

Polens Staatschef Kaczynski macht ‚Karriere‘. Wenn auch unfreiwillig.

Die Menschenrechtsorganisation Human Rights Watch erklärte anlässlich des Welttags gegen Homophobie Lech Kaczynski (gegen den LGBT in Berlin 2006 protestierten) zum Mitglied ihrer „Hall of Shame“ – zusammen mit dem Staatschef von Uganda sowie dem UK Home Office.

HRW ‚verlieh‘ Kaczynski die ‚Hall of Shame‘ Mitgliedschaft

„for denying people respect for their family. Kaczynski and his allies – including his brother, the former prime minister – have campaigned for years to deny basic rights to Poland’s LGBT people. In March 2008, in a nationally televised speech, Kaczynski railed against ratifying the European Union Reform Treaty, which would adopt the European Charter of Fundamental Rights. He claimed that provisions in the charter prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation would force legal recognition of same-sex relationships. He used film clips of the Canadian marriage ceremony of the US couple Brendan Fay and Thomas Moulton to warn of the “dangers” of legalizing same-sex marriage.“


Text 30. Januar 2017 von ondamaris auf 2mecs

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