HIV and the criminal law

Das britische Internetportal aidsmap macht ein Buch zum Thema HIV und Kriminalisierung (in englischer Sprache) online zugänglich: „HIV and the criminal law“:

HIV and the criminal law


By The Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG and Edwin Cameron, Justice of the Constitutional Court of South Africa


How this resource addresses the criminalisation of HIV exposure and transmission.


An overview of the global HIV pandemic, and the role of human rights and the law in the international response to HIV.


A history of the criminalisation of HIV exposure and transmission, and a brief explanation of the kinds of laws used to do this.


Considers the actual and perceived impact of HIV on wellbeing, how these inform legislation and the legal construction of HIV-related harm.


Looks at two areas of responsiblity for HIV prevention: responsibility for HIV-related sexual risk-taking and responsibility to disclose a known HIV-positive status to a sexual partner.


An examination of prosecuted behaviours, using scientific evidence to determine actual risk, and how this evidence has been applied in jurisdictions worldwide.


Foreseeability, intent, causality and consent are key elements in establishing criminal culpability. The challenges and practice in proving these in HIV exposure and transmission cases.


An assessment of the impact of criminalisation and HIV – on individuals, communities, countries and the course of the global HIV epidemic.


A summary of laws, prosecutions and responses to criminalisation of HIV exposure or transmission internationally, and key sources of more information.

HIV and the criminal law (c) NAM
HIV and the criminal law (c) NAM

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