ACT UP wird 25 – und kommt ins Kino. Erstmals bietet sich im Juni 2012 in Berlin die Möglichkeit, den Dokumentarfilm ‚United in Anger: A History of ACT UP‘ zu sehen.
Im Rahmen der Lecture Series ‚Talking Eyes‘ wird der Film ‚United in Anger: A History of ACT UP‚ am 26. Juni 2012 erstmals in Europa zu sehen sein, am
26. Juni 2012
19:30 Uhr
Kino Babylon Mitte Berlin
„United in Anger: A History of ACT UP is the first feature-length documentary about how ACT UP (the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power), a small group of men and women of all races and classes, came together to change the world and save each other’s lives. The film takes the viewer through the planning and execution of a dozen exhilarating major actions including Seize Control of the FDA, Stop the Church, and Day of Desperation, with a timeline of many of the other zaps and actions that forced the U.S. government and mainstream media to deal with the AIDS crisis. UNITED IN ANGER reveals the group’s complex culture – meetings, affinity groups, and approaches to civil disobedience mingle with profound grief, sexiness, and the incredible energy of ACT UP.“
„Jim Hubbard, who is a co-founder of MIX – the New York Lesbian and Gay Experimental Film/Video Festival is still working on the „ACT UP Oral History Project“ and among his 19 other films are Elegy in the Streets (1989), Two Marches (1991), The Dance (1992) and Memento Mori (1995). „United in Anger“ which he coproduced with critical acclaimed author Sarah Schulman presents video activism and audiovisual testimonies as one way to think about the figure of the “talking eye.” „
Die Lecture Series ‚Talking Eyes‘ wird angeboten von der Arbeitsgruppe ‚Visual Culture‘ des Graduiertenkollegs ‚Geschlecht als Wissenskategorie (Gender as Category of Knowledge)‘ an der Humboldt-Universität Berlin.
Ein weiterer Film über ACT UP, “How to survive a plague”, der erste Dokumentarfilm über Aids- und Therapieaktivimus hatte jüngst Premiere auf dem Sundance Film Festival. Bisher ist nicht bekannt, ob der Film einen Verleih in Euroapa hat.
Danke für den Hinweis an filmanzeiger
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